National Youth Day Celebrated - VKV Balijan
VKV Balijan celebrated Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary as National Youth Day in the school premises today. Sri. T.M. Sathian, Principal VKV Balijan formally welcomed the Honourable Chief Guest Sri. Rinchin Dorjee, Ex- Chairman APSC and VKV APT Trustee and Sri. Rinchin Norbu, Kameng Cluster in-Charge VKVAP Trust and august audience.
While addressing the parents, Sri. Rinchin Dorjee called up on to maintain a strong bond between teachers and students to create a congenial atmosphere in the school and at home. Sri. Rinchin Norbu, in his key note address, highlighted the contribution rendered by Vivekananda Kendra to achieve the twin goals, Man Making and Nation Building. “ An urge to know about Swami Vivekananda more and more will definitely take you to be pure, perfect and a true patriot as well” , he said.
As a part of the programme, a cultural event was organised on the theme “Ek Bharat Vijayi Bharat” on the auspicious occasion of the completion of 50 years of Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari. Programmes like Patriotic Song, Dance on cultural unity and Dance on Bharat Mata etc. are the highlight of the Cultural programmes.
As a part of the aprogramme, Sri. Rinchin Dorjee inaugurated Drawing Exhibition on the topic “ Samartha Bharat Parva” and Craft sale stall.
Altogether, 450 people could witness the programme.