Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebration at VKV Balijan
Swami Vivekananda Janma Tithi was celebrated at VKV – Balijan on 21st January 2025 with a true spirit to spread the message of Swami Vivekananda and the ideologies of Vivekananda Kendra.
The programme was arranged in a befitting manner by involving all the hostellers and day scholar students of VKV – Balijan along with 350 parents, 32 well-wishers, 05 school supporting group members and 16 inmates of Vidyalayas.
The programme started at 10.30 am with the lighting of a lamp by the chief guest followed by an invocation prayer led by the students. The chief guest of the programme was Shri O. Ajit Singh, Inspector of NDRF, Hollongi. Shri Shyamal Chakraborty, Principal, VKV Balijan, delivered the welcome address.
The significance of the ustav was spoken by Kum Jiri Dirchi of Class-IX, she highlighted the motto of grand Utsava. She mainly focussed that Swami Vivekananda had been the centre of inspiration for the entire nation and his teachings are the guidelines to make Bharat Mata Jagat Guru.
Then students of VKV Balijan displayed various performances depicting the motto of the celebration of grand utsav. They have performed various programs such as,
i). Song "Hay Vivekananda Swami " by Moji Riba House,
ii). Hindi Drama based on the life of Swami Vivekananda " Maa ki Mahanta" tells us about the mother's sacrifice and her efforts for her children, as well as her role and value in our life.
iii). Patriotic song "Ho jao teyar sathio" by our little champions in the primary classes.
iv). Pyramid display and Yogasanas by our primary students of Class III, IV and V which was the centre of attraction.
v). Hindi drama on great Arunachalee freedom fighter Taji Mederan of Lohit.
The themes and messages which were conveyed to the audience through our students’ performances were emotion, respect, belongingness and feeling proud to be an Indian through patriotic songs.
The prizes of PVWQ & School Level competitions and Proficiency prizes were distributed to the successful students by the Chief Guest on the stage.
Shri Ajit Singh, NRDF, delivered his speech in front of the gathering. He motivated the students with his valuable words "Do the best and live the rest". He said the students being the students of VKVs must inculcate the words of Great Personality Vivekananda in their life.
The complete programme was anchored by Kum Yorum Nakha, Class-V, who trained wonderfully with selected Vivek Vanis presented during the programme.