VKV Balijan organized Sargam Camp 2019 for the selected students of VKVs, Nirjuli, Itanagar, Seijosa, Vivek Vihar , Balijan, PTC Banderdewa and Nivedita Vihar from 21st June to 24 June 2019. As per the schedule, inaugural ceremony conducted on 21st June 2019 at 9.30am in the prayer hall wherein all the above mentioned VKVs were present. Sri. T.M. Sathian, Principal VKV Balijan formally welcomed all the students, escorts and resource persons of various VKVs. Sri. Krishnakumar, Member VKVAPT, in his address, briefed the significance of the Sargam Camp every year in VKVs.
Highlights of the Camp:
- Total number of participants were 44. (Students – 32, Co-ordinator – 1, Resource Persons - 5, and Escorts – 6)
- Altogether, 4 sessions were conducted in a day, with nearly 2 hours duration of each.
- There is no iota of doubt that this year’s camp also made a point to impart proper pronunciation while chanting hymns and prayer, learning new bhajans andpatriotic songs with instruments
- Camp participants were made available to use maximum time.
- Ensured to sing at least one bhajan by the camp participants during the evening prayer.
- To ensure more perfection in morning assembly in every VKV, Camp participants were asked to lead the School Assembly Prayer at VKV Balijan during the camp.
- Resource Persons of Sargam Camp was also used to teach the patriotic songs to the students of Class VI - IX of VKV Balijan during the camp.
- Initiative is taken by Sri. Krishnakumar to conduct a swadhyaya for teaching staffs on ‘Kendra Prayer and its meaning.’
- Sri. Krishnakumar, Member VKV APT conducted the entire activity right from beginning of the camp, besides acting as one of the resource person.
- Chayan Sarkar from VKV NEEPCO Yazali, Sri. Rishi Kr.Das from VKV Roing,
- Sri. Mangesh Bhurse from VKV Sher, Su. Kashmiri Kakoti from VKV Tofragam and Smt. Anjali Das of VKV Balijan were adjusted as the Resource Persons. All the Resource Persons put together their
best efforts to bring out a fruitful results in regards of creating a devotional atmosphere in the prayer hall of their respective schools. - Lastly, Valedictory Function of the Sargam Camp 2019 was held on 24th June 2019 at 3.30 pm in the School Prayer Hall wherein Sri. M.N. Tamo , EAC Balijan (also the Ex-VKV Balijan) graced the occasion as Chief Guest.