VKV Balijan celebrated Guru Purnima on 16th July 2019. Three activities organised in school.

  1. Sri J P Mishra delivered speech on the importance of Day during “Guru Vandana” Program conducted by Class X Students for all teachers and students. Class X students decorated the prayer hall with rangoli at entrance gate, banner and invited all students from cl. I to IX during 5th period. They welcomed all teachers with Arathi and tika at entrance and made them to sit in front of all students. They started program with invocation followed with welcome address. Four students expressed their views on the importance of Guru, their advices and blessings with examples in student’s life. They asked all students to get blessings from all teachers with Namaskar mudra and touching feet. Lastly they expressed their gratitude in vote of thanks and concluded program with santhi path. Sweets were distributed to all. 360 students, 14 teachers, 2 non-teaching staff attended the program.
  2. Self composed Guru bhajan competition conducted housewise after evening prayer. 25 students (cl. V to X) from each house participated in it.
  3. House wise Drama competition conducted on theme “GURU” after evening prayer. All four houses enthusiastically expressed their deep love towards Guru’s devotion to bring change in society. 180 Hostellers, 9 teachers, 3 wardens, 2 non-teaching staff attended the program.



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