VKV Niausa, Arunachal Pradesh, INDIA This school was started in the year 1981. It is located in the Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh. This district is surrounded by Assam in North and West, Nagaland in South, and Myanmar (Burma) in the East. This school is up to Middle Level, and is residential in nature. Hostel facility here is available for boys only. This school is also situated in a very remote area. This is the most backward district of Arunachal Pradesh, inhabited by economically, educationally and socially backward Wangchu and Nocte tribes. From here, the nearest medical facility is available at a distance of 2 hours drive. In the name of public transportation, there is only a State Govt. bus, which plies between Longding and VKV Niausa only on alternative days only. Even a phone connection to this school is a far off dream. Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Pradesh Trust, INDIA : http://www.vkvapt.org Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari, INDIA : http://www.vkendra.org



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs