Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Kitpi Tawang
(Secondary School)

34th VKV in Arunachal Pradesh is on the move. On 8 August 2011 the hopes and aspirations of Tawang district populace got fulfilled when 112 tiny tots in a tidy VKV uniforms with cheerful faces attended Varsharambha. It was quite a pious and jubilant ceremony graced by Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Director of School Education and SP of Tawang.Parents in their traditional attire made the function vibrant. When Vedic and Buddhist chants echoed at Kitpi which is surrounded by the snow clad mountains, it was a blissful experience for one and all. The active participation by Govt. staff, local people, Lamas from Tawang Monastry and ex VKV students made the Varsharambha unique. The school has enough infrastructures and well trained and experienced staff is posted there.The school is co-education with residential facility for girls only . It is upto Secondary level with classes I to X

Mission Statement
The persona of Swami Vivekananda and Mananeeya Eknathji, the founder of Vivekananda Kendra, is at the heart of the Institution. Vivekananda Kendra’s core values of selfless service, patriotism, character-building, man-making and nation-building permeate the entire educational experience.
We Believe: "We believe that every human being is empowered to develop her/his best potential".
We See: We see empowerment as the distinguishing feature of all our educational effort and are convinced that it takes place best in a school which is a dynamic entity involved in discerning the needs of our times and flexible enough to readjust its structures and activities to respond to them.
We Recognize: We recognize that it requires an atmosphere where all the values of selfless service, man-making and nation-building are lived out by all and where striving for excellence at the level of one’s potential is an essential element.
We Accept: We accept that this demands a certain level of awareness at administrative and staff levels so that it becomes a continuous process affecting staff, student and parents and taking precedence over all other motivations.
We Recognize and Strongly Affirm: We recognize and strongly affirm that the special thrust of our Institution becomes credible in India today, where ‘Service before self’ is lived out both in attitude and structures.
We Prioritize: We prioritize the practice of the important human values and encourage students to gain confidence so that they grow as the responsible citizens of the country.
We, in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas, aim to give all-round development i.e Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual & Spiritual development to the students through various activities so that the hidden talents are developed to the fullest.
The Management, staff, alumni and parents share a collective vision and mutual purpose in education so that the students may fruitfully contribute to the wider society and address the realities and concerns of our country and of the world.