Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Namsai
(Middle School)
Inaugaration Of VKV Namsai

The formal inauguration of VKV Namsai was held today (27 January 2020) on the school campus by the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein and Hon’ble RWD Minister Sri.Honchun Ngandam in the presence of Namsai MLA Chow Zingnu Namchoom and Lekang MLA Smt.Jummum Ete Deori, amidst Buddhist sacred sloka chanting by Venerable Bhante Aggadhamma and his disciples. Namsai Deputy Commissioner Sri. Bijoy Talukdar was also present.
The entire program was supported by the VKV Alumni group from Namsai. Distinguished guests from Chowkham, Latour, Wakro, and Tezu were also brought in. The entire HODs from all departments in Namsai and the Central VKV Alumni Association office bearers attended the program where the band and Lezim teams from VKV Tafrogam enthralled the audience with their skilled performance.
The Deputy Chief Minister was all in praise of VKVs for making the former students glued to their Alma-mater. This is a culture imbibed from VKVs. The Hon’ble MLA Zingu Namchoom told his effort to bring a VKV to Namsai and how lucky he feels now.
All speakers wished the new VKV in Namsai which is the 40th in Arunachal, to bring laurel to the state as well as the society. Earlier the Deputy CM had asked the VKV administration to give a Khamti language teacher.
Altogether there was an attendance of 520 persons. (Including 94 students from VKV Namsai and 70 students from VKV Tafrogam)
As per tradition the meeting began with Aikya Mantra and concluded with Shanti Mantra.
All the people who attended the program left the campus after enjoying the local food arranged by the alumni.