Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebration at VKV Ziro
Though the Samarth Bharat Parva was celebrated from 25th December 2024 to 12th January 2025 in 11 different locations of Ziro Hapoli, an objective to carry the message of Swamiji along with the strength of Bharat, Her glorious past and Kshatra Tej to the communities, various educational institutions, villages and offices beyond the school and saw a wide round of people’s involvement and cooperation, Swami Vivekananda Jayanti as per tithi at school level solemnized at VKV Ziro on 21st January, Tuesday at 10 am in the school.
Pertinent to observe the day in the school was to invite such people, who supported us during SBP celebration, to strengthen the Amrit Pariwar initiative. There were 25 families from 5 Sankuls, parents, well-wishers, indigenous people, SSG members, students and teachers from various schools and own schools altogether 510 were present on the day.
Sri Suresh Kr Behera, the principal of the school, elucidated the very purpose of celebrating the day in his welcome address. In the Samarth Bharat Parva, an outreach programme on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti celebrations till 12th January we touched the people in several localities and connected them with the thought and message of Swamiji and awakening them by showing the PPTs of Strength of Bharat, Her glorious past and Kshetra Tej who were not even our parents.
Today we observed this occasion in the school to strengthen our Amrit Parivar with the insights of Swamiji’s life, his love for motherland, his sacrifice for conquering the world with his spiritualism and his thoughts highly relevant in the present milieu were the gist of his lecture.
Ms Himani Meena, IAS, Addl. Deputy Commissioner Lower Subansiri, Ziro graced the occasion as Chief Guest to speak on Swami Vivekananda a key figure in the Indian independence movement and a leading exponent of Vedanta philosophy. His messages of spirituality, self-empowerment, and service to humanity are as relevant today as they were during his lifetime. Furthermore, Swami Vivekananda's message of universal acceptance and tolerance is particularly relevant in today's world. He believed that all religions and spiritual paths lead to the same ultimate goal and that we should respect and appreciate the diversity of human experience.
She congratulated all those winners and extended best wishes to the students for their CBSE Class X Board exam and State Board for Class V and VIII. Moreover, she also appealed to the parents to love the school and that they should not feel, that coming to school to attend such programmes or meetings is a compulsion and boring. They may continue to render their support and cooperation for the growth of the school as well as their children.
Su Chuni Khimhun, the teacher of the school presented school report highlighting the celebration of Samarth Bharat Parva as an outreach programme and school achievements at the district, state and national levels.
Students showcased cultural programmes and Prizes of Inter VKV Programmes Gita Chanting, Quiz Context organized in Govt. schools on the occasion of SBP, Prajnya Vikas Written Test, and Proficiency Prizes for the session 2024-25 were too distributed to the winners by the chief guest.