The programme was organized in Assembly Ground of VKV, Ziro, wherein the stage was made locally involving hosteller boys. The programme was started at 10.30 AM and ended at 12.15 PM. Sri. Pisa Kachi, District Treasury Officer, Lower Subansiri District, Ziro, Government of Arunachal Pradesh had graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. There were 297 participants taken part in it. Their classification is as follows.
- Number of students 207 Students
- Number of students from nearby Government Schools 07 Students
- Number of teachers from nearby Government Schools 05 Teachers
- Number of parents attended 39 Parents
- Number of Teaching Staff 15 Teachers
- Number of Non-Teaching Staff 14 Staff
- Number of Family Members of Staff reported 20 Family Members of Staff
Particulars of Program:
Mangalacharan was led by the students of Classes – IV-VI Girls (Hostellers). Sri. K. Jaisankar, Principal, VKV, Ziro welcomed the gathering after felicitating the guest with and by the parents. In his welcome address, he shared about Vivekananda Kendra & its Motto of Service, purpose of knowledge and its importance, Think locally; Act globally, Service and Renunciation and Role VKVs in shaping oneself. Sri. Mayazhagan, A, Teacher, VKV, Ziro threw light on importance of the day. In his deliberation, he mentioned about Brief History of Swamiji’s Birth and His family background, Importance of Spirituality in shaping one’s life, His qualities like Patriotism, Zeal, Conviction, Determination, etc., and the power of youth and importance of channelizing their energy. Sri. Pisa Kachi, District Treasury Officer, Lower Subansiri District, Ziro, Government of Arunachal Pradesh had given away the proficiency prizes of Academic Session-2018-19 to our students and the winners of Essay Writing Competitions conducted for Government School students.
Read more: Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi Celebrations - VKV Ziro