The workshop took place from 20 -24h October 2019 at VKV Ziro. The training team arrived at the venue one day before i.e. on 19th October in order to meet for fine tuning of the agenda and coordination of facilitation.


To introduce students to exam temperament and notes making.

GMAT next level with time limit for problem solving.

Relating concept building from examination point of view.

Relating notes making to academics.


The training team agreed a draft agenda prior to the training workshop.


1 PRATIK DNYANOBA WANJALE B.Com ,L.L.B from Pune university Social science & GMAT
2 KETAKI S. JOSHI B.E (Electronics and Telecommunication Engg) Mathematics and Physics
3 NITIN BALASAHEB GHULE B.E in Mechanical Engineering Social science & Physics

The training workshop was attended by 5 teachers and 40 students.


The camp started with the inauguration of the camp which was done with the invocation. One of the resource persons gave the detail briefing about the programme. S.Muralidharan, Education Officer (Subansiri and Kameng Clusters) gave the Ashirvachan and the session concluded with Shanti Mantra.

DAY 2:
The second day started with the session of solving of Mock Test (SAT and MAT) as the benchmark test with the exam time format. The test was basically conducted to test the understanding of the exam and later on the OMR sheets were evaluated by the respective mentors. In the second session a worksheet was given on Social Science on the topics of Geography and Economics comprising 50 questions which are to be solved in 50 minutes. Students were allowed to refer their textbook to gather information from that. After Lunch 50 questions on Physics were given to solve and later on were discussed too. After sports prayer was conducted and the last session was on Social science Quiz where students were formed in groups and marks was allotted too for the quiz too.

DAY 3:
The second day started with the zero movement and tables,cubes and English language comprehension.. In the second session a worksheet was given on Chemistry comprising 50 questions which are to be solved in 50 minutes. Students were allowed to refer their textbook to gather information from that. In the third session 45 questions on GMAT in 60 minutes were given to solve and later on were discussed too. After Lunch 50 questions on Maths comprising geometry and algebra were given to solve in 50 minutes. After sports prayer was conducted and the last session was on Social science Quiz where students were formed in groups and marks was allotted too for the quiz too.

DAY 4:
The second day started with the zero movement and tables, cubes and English language comprehension.. In the second session a worksheet was given on Social Science on the topics of history and civics comprising 50 questions which are to be solved in 50 minutes. Students were allowed to refer their textbook to gather information from that. In the third session a paper solving GMAT in English for class IX was given.. After Lunch discussion of the previous papers were done by the resource persons.. After sports prayer was conducted and the last session was on science Quiz where students were formed in groups and marks was allotted too for the quiz too.

DAY 5:
The second day started with the session of solving of Full length Mock Test (SAT and MAT) as the final test with the exam time format. The test was basically conducted to test the understanding of the exam and later on the OMR sheets were evaluated by the respective mentors. For class IX Biology question bank was given to solve. After Lunch discussion on the papers and several handouts were given to the students for more practice in the final examination too. After evening prayer all assembled for the valedictory session. Students as well as resource persons shared their experience about the camp. Finally the camp concluded with Shanti Mantra.





Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs