VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, Ziro in compliance with the CBSE initiated “FIT INDIA MOVEMENT” conducted several activities to celebrate the ‘Fitness Week’ in the school.
Following are the day wise activities and tasks organized by the school in this regard:
Day 1: Yoga Session
1. We initiated the programme by conducting yoga session for the young children from classes VI,VII and IX. To start with. Rajendra S Patil, ( PET )demonstrated various asanas like Bhujanga Asana, Chakrasana, Surya Namaskar etc. followed by ‘omkar chanting’. The students were made aware of various benefits of these asanas for both mind and body which include flexibility, strength, stress relief and cure of many life style diseases. The Yoga teachers encouraged the children to make yoga an integral part of their daily lives.
2. A healthy mind in a healthy body activity workshop on fitness was conducted on the same day under the campaign for the students and staff in which salad decoration competition was organized which shared the information about fitness of students
Day 2: Free Hand Exercises
3. Students of Class IV, VI, VII and IX were assembled in the Hall and were briefed about the importance of exercises for maintaining good health and how it builds immunity to protect us from various diseases. After that a brief warming up session was demonstrated where the students were taught a few free hand exercises to strengthen large and small muscles of our body. Children were told how movements like jumping; squatting, bending, swinging etc. helps us to increase strength, fitness and flexibility of our body. They were advised to follow these set of exercises regularly to achieve a fit and healthy body.
Debate Competition
4. Debate competition which was conducted on 2nd day of Fit India Movement. The topic for the debate was “Are Sports Really Good For As”. 10 students from varied classes took part in the debate. The participants put forward their argument for and against the process of Are Sports Really Good For As.
Day 3: Poster Making Competition
5. Poster making competition was held on theme ‘Fit Body – Fit Mind – Fit Environment’. The students expressed their message through their poster to keep our surroundings and environment clean. “When our environment will be fit, we will get fresh air and water to keep our body fit and mind as well” a message was propagated through this theme. Poster making, ground models, first Aids, Rules and regulation of few games was prepared to display through wall posters which was witnessed by the parents and other community school students.
Fitness Assessment
6. In continuation of fitness movement programme, We have conducted KHELO INDIA fitness assessment for the children i.e Flamingo balance test for developing the concentration, Leg strength and body balance of the child . Partial Curl up to develop flexibility and abdominal strength of the child. These all activities helped them to connect with the idea of being fit in a positive way.
Day 4: Aerobics session
7. Dance is also a physical exercise in which your body and mind both perform through actions and expressions. Aerobics and Martial Arts are the forms of physical exercises that combine rhythm with strength with the aim of incorporating all elements of fitness. Keeping this point in mind, Aerobics and Martial Arts activities were organized for the children to instill a healthy lifestyle which will help in enhancing self-esteem and confidence.
Essay and Poem writing competition
8. In the 4th day of the celebration week, Essay and Poem writing competition on the topic “Fit India School” was conducted in which students expressed their ideas and views. They wrote creative pieces highlighting how physical and sports activities were a crucial part for a well-rounded personality.
Day 5 Quiz competition
9. Sports Quiz was conducted in which students participated enthusiastically. Question and topics related to various sports were taken by Sri. Ajaya Kr. Sitha which was given a positive response by the students.
Day 6 Indigenous games
10. Indigenous games like Seven stones was introduced between class VI and class VII to make students aware of that they are citizens of a democratic country although we are diverse in terms of culture and religion but there is unity in Diversity prevalent in India.
11. Volleyball Game was played between teachers and students.
12. Gardening activity was done by class IX students of the school where they learnt the art of gardening which not only makes us physically fit but also gives a peace of mind. They also got the opportunity to learn and connect with nature.