National Youth Day ( 157th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti) was celebrated in our School Premises. The programme started at 10:am by the Chief Guest Capt Manpreet Kaur andCapt. Miridula M, 356 field hospital ,Army Aslo, Sri Markar Paduji Cluster In-Charge of Siang Cluster was present on the dice. The welcome speech was given by Su. Indu Gurung. The Significance Of the day by Sri . Surajit Das. The Cfhief Guest said the four Mantras of the success to the children Be discipline discipline, Be Punctual Always be punctual Always be punctual , Self-confidence Of the person will get success in their life. Education for a girl child education is the weapon from Which they can achieve their goal , take care of the family and children . Girls should always be bold. After the speech of the chief Guest the Alumna Smt. Rammar Jokik said the younger sister Keep the glory of the institution. She share her childhood at VKV Jirdin, She approach to the parents Early morning if you get up please pick up some books or the news paper ehih make the habits of their Wards not a mobile phone. They perform cultural programme by Six Alumna of VKV jirdin. Which gave a inspiration to the children and parents. They also doated 100nos of plastic chairs and four Dustbin to School.Cultural Programme was presented by children Patriotic Song, Galo Traditional Dance , Action song and Dance Drama which shows the childhood to death of Swami Vivekananda and the work of Man. Eaknathji Ranada for the construction of Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari. They end The programme by the Bharat Mata Arati. vote of thanks by Su. Nitu Sharma.