District Level 25th Childrens Science Congress, 2017
District Level 25th Childrens Science Congress, 2017 on Focal Theme: Science & Technoloy and Innovation for Sustainable Development, was held in Govt. Higher Secondary School, Aalo on 28th October, 2017. The Chief Guest of the programme was the DDSE, Aalo. Total six schools from in and around Aalo town took part in it. Science teachers Su. Nitu Sharma and Su. Rina Khare made ready two groups from VKV Jirdin to participate in it. First Group Km. Eesha Lollen’s Sub Theme was Traditional Knowledge System. Project: Impact of unawareness towards Cultivation of Medicinal Plants. And Km.Joyo Ete’s Sub Theme was : Energy.
Project: Impact of Open Chullah on the physical environment of Jirdin Village. Below are the students who brought laurels to our school by bagging the first and third prizes.