International Day of Yoga 2021 - VKV Jirdin
On 21st of June, 2021 VKV Jirdin celebrated 7th International Day of Yoga at 6.15 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. in the school prayer hall. A short programme was kept which was started with three Omkaras, Om Sahanavavatu . Vacation In-charge Su. Gome Riba didi threw light and briefed on the importance of Yoga in daily life. Non-teaching staffs (bhaiyas) and their families living in the campus attended the proogramme.
Next the programme was followed by performing of the Suryanamaskara by chanting the mantras-was done by Su. Gome Riba (Vacation In-charge). Bhaiyas and their family enthusiastically followed didi and performed twelve times Suryanamaskara. The programme was concluded with Shanti mantra.
Though students could not attend the programme, it was a success, as all the students from the classes of class- IV to X could be reached and class teachers could convey and motivate them to develop this simple good habit of doing yoga in everyday life. How the simple practise of daily yoga can keep one fit in body, mind and spirit and help in remaining healthy, strong and free from diseases.
Students whole heartedly responded from classes IV to X by celebrating 7th International Day of Yoga at their respective homes and performing Suryanamaskara along with their family. Around 60% of the students actively participated in it by sharing their photos and making videos capturing the moments of their celebration and performing of Suryanamaskara with their families and relatives.
Practise Yoga. Remain fit and make our India fit.