Rakshabandhan was celebrated - VKV Shergaon
Rakshabandhan was celebrated by tying the RAKHI each other with the spirit of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. Staff and students visited the neighborhood carrying the message of unity, harmony and brotherhood.
Rakshabandhan was celebrated by tying the RAKHI each other with the spirit of UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. Staff and students visited the neighborhood carrying the message of unity, harmony and brotherhood.
An awareness /sensitization programme on PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL OFFENCEC(POCSO ) was conducted by Lian Moyee,DD (ICDS) ,Child Development Project Officer along with Dr RINCHIN MEGIJEE , Sri RINCHIN DORJEE BAPU and Sri Sameer Khabisoq , Protection Officer,District Child Protection unit Bomdila , Legal cum Probation Officer ,DCPU and Counsellor ,DCPU,Bomdila respectively on 27th July 2018
To sensitize the parents about the caring of primary children and their schooling, a meeting was conducted solely for the parents of Primary students (Class-1 to 5) on 29th July 2018. 133 parents attended the meeting. All class Teachers briefed about the academic and non-academic aspects of students in each class. Principal highlighted the efforts taken by the school for giving a good learning atmosphere for the students. He also gave a brief introduction about VIVEKANANDA KENDRA and its various service activities in Arunachal Pradesh and other parts of the country.133 parents of primary children, Govt.officials of Ex.VKV ,well wishers of Vivekananda Kendra are also attended the meeting.
A few parents and Sri Gombu Dingla,President ,Alumini VKV,W.Kameng District also spoke in the occasion. Students performed cultural programme and exhibited their drawing and paintings also.
On the occasion of His Holiness 14th DALAI LAMA’S BIRTH DAY observed by students of VKV,Shergaon and villagers by planting trees on the road side. NSS VOLUNTEERS of VKV and Youth wing of Shergaon village actively participated in the memorable occasion.
On 21st June 2018 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF YOGA observed in a befitting manner, jointly with the participation of SSB-JAWANS,73RD Battalion ,Shergaon,All staff from Medical department ,PHC,Shergaoan,All Students and Staff of VKV . Sri K.K.Subramanian, Principal hilighted the importance of Yoga in the daily life of students, professionals and common man. It is a tool to bring harmony with ourselves and nature.
Sri VIKAS DESAI ,P.Ed.Teacher conducted yoga exercises for all the participants. 496 persons performed the Yoga practices.
World Environment Day was observed in a befitting manner in VKV, Shergaon with the following programmes.
Sri NETRA BAHADUR GURUNG, Teacher spoke in the school assembly, focusing on the slogan: BEAT THE PLASTIC POLLUTION’
VIVEKANANDA KENDRA VIDYALAYA, SHERGAON and SAMPHOTA MIDDLE SCHOOL, TENZINGAON jointly conducted a two days Teachers’ skill development programme for the teachers of both the schools on 25th and 26th June 2018. In these two days, Teachers observed the functioning of the school and classes of the teachers each other and held discussions for improvement of teaching method. Sri K.K.Subramanian, Principal, VKV, Shergaon took the class for the teachers about the importance of students cognitive and emotional development.
A good teacher will take both the aspects together along with his usual class room teaching. Sri Dorjee Dondul,Headmaster,Sampota Middle school suggested the improvement of class rooms with small library and display of colourful diagrams and paintings to attract the students and enjoy learning. Teachers from both the school took model classes in different subjects.Sri Abhijith Kr.Dey coordinated the two days programme systematically.
Dr. J. CHAKMA ,2ND COMMANDANT ,73RD BATTALION,SSB,SHERGAON conducted an awareness programme against drug abuse and its illicit trafficking for the teachers and students . Altogether 80 participants attended the programme. Dr. CHAKMA cautioned the students to use any drugs / nicotine or any other habit forming substances which can give momentous pleasure but damage the physical and mental health of the person .Later he or she becomes a burden to the family and society. He appealed all the participants to carry the knowledge obtained in this programme to other brothers and sisters in their community