Visit of Swami Samananda Giri Ji to VKV Shergaon
The day of “24th December 2021” was a blessed day for VKV, Shergaon as we had the presence of Swami Samananda Giri Ji of Veda Seva Math, Maheswar, Madhya Pradesh accompanied by our Shri R.Murlidharan, Education Officer, VKVAPT. Both the elders reached our school campus at around 7:30 pm. They were welcomed by the school team. Two days of school programme was planned on Swamiji’s visit.
On 25th December 2021, at 9.00 a.m., the inauguration of the exhibition room from the pious hands of Swami Samananda Giri Ji. The exhibition room displayed the wall magazines with the images of 75 freedom fighters on the occasion of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav made by the teachers – students and also making of posters on the life and incidents of Swami Vivekananda. Both respected elders appreciated the works done by the students and advised to keep the good works.
Next was the inauguration of the Samarth Bharat Parva programme. The programme started at 10 am with lighting of the lamp by Pujneeya Swami Samananda ji and Adarneeya Muralidharan ji followed by invocation performed by the students of Class-X. Adarneeya Muralidharan ji eloquently briefed the purpose of the day. Speaking on the significance of the day, he focused on the strength of India with an urge to build on it to forge ahead to a stronger India. Swami Samananda Giri Ji also addressed and blessed the gathering. Shri Shyamal Chakraborty, Principal in his style of befitting words expressed his gratitude to the assembled for the programme and was hopeful that in the days to come the youth will know the potential of Bharat and will work on the dreams that Swami Vivekananda.
From 10:30 am., the next session for teaching staffs by Swami Samananda Giri Ji was started with questions on various issues like How one can control anger? What is the difference between Guru and a Teacher ? etc. Swamiji had an interaction and very powerfully responded the questions to the satisfaction of all. The session was concluded with shanti mantra at 11.40 a.m.
Next was the session for the students of standard XI from 11:45 am to 12 noon. Students were asked, what gives them happiness? How can one remove or get rid of the negative qualities? What are the positive qualities they possess? Students had a good learning interaction with Swamiji.
On the same day in the evening there was one more session for teachers from 4 pm to 5 pm. It was the continuation of the first session wherein Swamiji tried to respond the questions raised by the teachers.
On the next day i.e., 26th December 2021 was also a day of interaction with Swamiji for various groups of students and staff members of the school. Beginning the day was a session for the students of Classes VI, VII & VIII from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. Swamiji showed and did some practical experiment with a glass tumbler full of slurry water. He poured some clean and clear water upon it until the slurry water became clear. Through this experiment he tried to explain how we can bring positivity in oneself by continuously hammering upon the negative thoughts to move out of our mind.
Next was the session for the students of standard IX & X from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. He interacted and asked the students how one can get rid of negative thoughts and later explained the matter in a very beautiful manner. Swamiji also had a session for the students of standard III, IV & V. Swamiji interacted with the students’ and told a story with good moral value. Children with great curiosity asked many questions on the life of Swami Vivekananda.
Swamiji also had a session for the Grade IV staff and their families in the evening from 4 pm to 5 pm. Staff were asked whom and why they worship? Who is your Estha / Kul Devata ? Do they have any domestic problems? What were their food habits? etc.
Lastly, Swamiji had an interaction with the spouse of the Teachers from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. They were also asked whom and why they worship? What are their routines in the family life? etc. Swamiji interacted with all and explained the matters to the satisfaction of the staffs. Swami Samananda Giri Ji stay in the school campus was a blessing for all of us as we could learn and gain knowledge from the learned personality.