National Youth Day Celebrated - VKV Shergaon
Day before Yesterday on 12th January 2020, on behalf of “Swami Vivekananda Jayanti” Cum National Youth Day, I Dhermendra Kumar Sharma & Anjan Purkyastha, Sri Satish Kumar- Principal of VKV Shergaon along with all teaching and non-teaching staffs, students’ & parents were being joined together for Celebrating & Commemorating the birth day of Swami Vivekananda on his 157th Birth Anniversary by paying tribute to the Indian Hindu wondering Monk (Swami Vivekananda) on this auspicious occasion
Moreover, we were begun from day before yesterday for Arranged & cleaned the nearby areas adjacent to the school & Prayer Hall. All the students as well as the staffs were very much enthusiastic, contributed whole heartedly and cleaned the surroundings very nicely. Many cultural programmes related with patriotic songs, dramas, skits, dance etc had been arranged during that occasion.
Our Principal Sir was give a speech about to promote rational thinking among the youth, believed to be the future of the country and his speech was to being convey for inspiration & motivation to the ours peoples or students. Soo many guest and parents’ were coming yesterday for join this occasion.