Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebration at VKV Wessang
Our school, both VKV & KGBV Wessang celebrated Swamiji’s Jayanti on the 21st of January 2025 at our school campus.
The Programme started at 10:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. in which a total nos. of 346 students (boys 85 & girls 261) and 25 teachers (male 16 & female 9) were present in the celebration.
A few parents were also present at the celebration.
Three guests were invited from Krishi Vigyaan Kendra (KVK) namely:
1) Shri PP Tripathi, Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) on Plant Protection
2) Shri AK Pandey, Subject Matter Specialist (SMS), Soil Science, KVK,
3) Dr Vipin Mishra, Subject Matter Specialist (SMS), Fishery, KVK.
The programme started with 3 Omkaras followed by the Ekya mantra. The Principal, VKV Wessang gave the welcome address followed by a speech on the significance of the day by one of the teachers named Shri Pankaj Kumar.
A few cultural activities such as traditional dance, classical dance, pyramid etc. were also performed by the students.
Prizes distribution was also done after this. There was a speech given by the Guest of the day.
The following points were highlighted during his speech such as:
i) Vivekananda Kendra’s work and its achievement.
ii) Great opportunity for students to be a part of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya for moulding themselves.
iii) Moral-based education with good sanskara given by the school etc.