Sadgamaya Shibir Celebrated - VKV Wessang
With a view to promoting positive thinking, team sprit overall dynamism in students, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Wessang, East Kameng District conducted a one day personality development camp in the school campus. About 41 young aspirants of V.K.V, Wessang and nearby schools participated in the camp. The number of activities outlined during the camp included session on Swami Vivekananda, Tips for Personality Development, Pariksha de Haste Haste, games like Chunu Munu ki Mithai, passing of coins, Yoga and group discussion. Some of the noteworthy features of the program are mentioned here
Inaugural Session:
Speech given by Chief Guest, Smt Raja Dodum Cheda (BEO, Seppa). Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya is known for its discipline, the parents have to give utmost care for their children, and Uses of mobile phone should be restricted for the school going children. Women should take part in each and every aspect of life like socially, politically and economically
Session: 1 By R.P Dubey(Principal KGBV,Wessang)
All the youth of India Should take the inspiration from the life of Swami Vevekananda. The different characteristics and behavior the students need to inculcate in their life.
Session: 2 By Sanjebb Kar(Principal V.K.V, Wessang)
Spoke about the steps to reach the desired goal by the children, for that goal need to be specific, preparing the action plan and believing in yourselves.
Session: 3 By Manisha Devi (Teacher, V.K.V Wessang)
Pariksha De Haste Haste: Given the tips to remove the exam phobia of students
Yoga and games session was taken By Sristi Rai, Beauti Sonowal and Medona Darang(Teachers, Wessang).Shibir Geet was performed by Simphe Tiawary(Taecher, Wessang). Overall Coordination was done by Karupasami N and N.K Pathak(Teachers Wessang)