VKV Wessang have celebrated 7th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2021 among the staff and the students of VKV Wessang. Today at 7 A.M. in the morning, the available members in the campus practiced Yoga with Surya Namaskar at the school auditorium hall. 10 persons (2 teaching staff, 3non-teaching staff, and 5 family members of staff) attended the programme. The students were asked to practice 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar with their family members from 6 A.M to 8.30 A.M. We have received Surya Namaskar videos in whatsapp from the families of 32 students of different classes. Total number of family members who participated in the programme is 97.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs