Republic Day Celebration - VKV Oyan
Republic day was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and happiness .
There were three programmes on the day.
Students performed band display in Pasighat during ceremonial flag hoisting
Republic day was celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and happiness .
There were three programmes on the day.
Students performed band display in Pasighat during ceremonial flag hoisting
National youth day was celebrated in the school with a lot of happiness and enthusiasm. A host of cultural show and prize distribution was the highlight .Shri Dorjee Wangdai Tungan (commandant IRBN) graced the occasion as a chief Guest. While speaking he advised the children to have some aim in their life. Since the Chief guest is a ex-VKVian he fondly remembered his school days in VKVs.
National mathematics day was celebrated today to mark the Birth anniversary of Srinivasha Ramanujan. Importance of the day was explained in the morning assembly. A poster making and model making competition was conducted. Eighty students participated in this competition.
A mathematics quiz was also organized on the same day to mark the occasion.
Matri puja was performed in the school on 15th February at 10 am.
Sri PM Unnikrishann and Sri Krishna kumar attended the puja.
Sri Pm Unnikrishanan (Education officer) highlighted the importance of matri puja and Sri Krishna Kumar (Member Vivekananda Kendra vidyalaya Arunachal Pradesh) conducted the entire proceedings of puja.
Total parents attended the puja-63
Numbers of mothers attend the puja-33
Number of students attended the puja-33(out of 35)
Please see the photos attached
Total Attendance- 473
Students: 300
Parents: 123
Chief Guest for the Program- Sri Magnath Bori (Assistant Director of Agriculture).
While addressing the audience he highlighted the important contribution of Swami Vivekananda in the regeneration of Indian culture and tradition. He described Swami
Vivekananda as a great patriot and a nation builder.
Highlight of the program-A host of cultural show and Prize distribution.
Arunachal Pradesh state legal service Authority conducted an awareness campaign for students of class IX, X and Staff on 3rd November 2016.
Aim of the campaign was:
To provide free and competent legal service to the weaker section of the society to ensure that the opportunity for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities and to organize Lok Adalat to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunities.
Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated on 11th September in our School. 300 parents attended the programme. Sri Yide Potom (Range Forest Officer) was the Chief guest for the celebration. He spoke about the contribution of VKVs in Arunachal Pradesh.
A host of cultural Show and prize distribution for various events conducted in this session was the highlights of the celebration.
International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st june. 385 students drawn from different schools nearby including 15 teachers and other supporting staff did different types of yoga sans and Surya Namaskar in the morning hours. Importance of this day was also highlighted during this time