Inter House Mathmatics Quiz Competition - VKV Joram
Without Mathematics, there’s nothing we can do. Everything around us is Mathematics. Everything around us is numbers. TO ENCOURAGE AND ENABLE STUDENTS RECOGNIZE THAT MATHEMATICS PERMEATES THE WORLD AROUND US, APPRECIATE THE USEFULNESS, POWER AND BEAUTY OF MATHEMATICS, ENJOY MATHEMATICS AND DEVELOP PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE WHEN SOLVING PROBLEMS, an Inter-house Math Quiz competition was held at VKV Joram on August 20, 2019. Sri Pranjal Kumar Das and Sri Sujit Dey, the Mathematics Teachers conducted the quiz. The quiz began with the three OM KARAS. Then Sri Pranjal Kumar Das introduced all the participant of different houses. There were total twenty (20) participants and four (4) teams in this Math Quiz Competition. The teams were named according to the names of famous Indian Mathematician as Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara and Ramanujan. From each group maximum five students combining of classes VI, VII and VIII were allowed to take part in the competition. Before starting the quiz Sri Pranjal Kumar Das explained all the general rules of the inter-house quiz competition. Sri Pranjal Kumar Das and Sri Sujit Dey played the role of Quiz Masters, Sri Samiran Baruah was selected as scorer to maintain the score of all the teams and Sri Bahubali Chougule played the role of Time keeper of the Quiz competition. The rest of the students of classes VI, VII and VIII as well as the teaching staff of the school were invited to the event.
The first round was on Mathematical Awareness Round. This round was won by the team Brahmagupta by securing 30 marks.
The second round was on Number System. The team Bhaskara won this round by scoring 20 marks.
The third round was on Problem Solving round and in this round the teams Aryabhata, Brahmagupta and Bhaskara got equal marks.
Data handling round was the fourth round followed by Problem Solving round and Bhaskara won this round by securing 30 marks.
The fifth round was on Geometry. Brahmagupta got maximum 35 marks and won this round.
The last round was on Photo Identification. Each team got two pictures to identify. All the four teams got equal marks in this round.
The teaching staff of the school and all the students of class VI, VII and VIII participated as an active audience and where they enthusiastically answered. They were awarded for answering correctly. The results were announced at the end of the quiz. The team Brahmagupta and Bhaskara were declared as winners where they got the maximum marks 104. While Aryabhata stood at the second position by securing 84 marks and Ramanujan got the 3rd position by scoring 60 marks.
All the participants, students and teaching staff enjoyed the program. The event was ended by chanting Shanti Mantra and Kendra Prayer.