Sadgamaya Shibir Conducted - VKV Joram
With a view to promoting positive thinking, team spirit and overall dynamism in students, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Joram , conducted a one-day Personality Development and Leadership Training camp on Oct 16, 2019 in the school campus. A total of 30 students from Boomi Secondry school, Joram and VKV, JORAM participated in the camp. The number of activities outlined during the camp included like i) Personality Development, why and how? ii) How to be an organized student ? iii) Story of Rock memorial iv) Health and Hygiene v ) Geet .There were special sessions for geet band kreda Yoga. Teachers of the home school including Principal were the resource persons and took very inspiring and motivating classes on above mentioned topics. The registration of the participants started at 8.00 am by Su.Phurpa Lhamu. The shibir started at 8.30 am with three “ omkras” followed by “ ekya mantra”. The day’s programmes concluded at 3.30 p.m with the speech by the Principal sir followed by Shanti Mantra. The anchoring of the programme was done by Sri Pranjal Kumar Das.
Session conducted during the camp
1. Personality Development, why and how?
Conducted by Sri. Bahubali Sir , He spoke on five- fold development of personality as envisaged by Swami Vivekananda ( physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual)
2. How to be an organized student ?
Conducted by Sri Asish Kumar , in this session , he highlighted about how to be an organized student - competition with co-operation , how to write examination , how to maintain descipline , how to keep the things in systematic way etc.
3. Story of Rock Memorial -Conducted by Sri Dipok Chetri , He spoke about initiation of the rock memorial , Role of Eknathji Ranade in rock memorial construction,Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas.
4. Health and Hygiene- Conducted by Sri Ashok Singh, this session talked about health and Hygiene issues like Changes during Adolcence period and how to cope with it , Balance diet , Personal Hygiene Tips, Regular exercise , Say NO to drugs , Swaach Bharat Abhiyan etc.
5. Geet- Geet session was conducted by smt. Durga Tripathy and Prabhat Newar, were they trained patriotic songs from sadgamaya to students.
6. Story- This session was taken by Sri Dharmeswar Tanti . He has told the story of a marble tiles, how the marble tiles got sharp tools and pain from the sculpture and become the masterpiece statue for the tourist and other marble tiles which was resisted become the floor of the museum. The student should bear the pain, to become like the marble statue in their life.
7. Indian culture and values- This session was taken by Smt Durga Tripathi, she has highlighted the Indian Culture & its Values. The culture is everything like the way of behaving with other ,ideas, custom we follow, art, handicraft, religion, food habits, festivals, music and dance are part of the is the birthplace of Hinduism, Budhhism, Jainism,and other religion where we live in unity in diversity. She has highlighted about the art of living with how one should be a great human being. And now how the world is accepting Indian culture. She has told a story of Guru Nanak and a sage relating to Indian culture.
8. Kreda Yoga- Conducted by Sri Prabhat Newar, Aasas like Surya Namaskar , Tadasana, Vrksasana, Pada- Hastasana , Ardha Chakrasana and Trikonasana were performed by all the participants.
Feedback from Student
Km Neelam Yesh of Boomi school said, “I felt happy during this camp. I made a lots of new friends who are from outside of my school.. It’s an experience, I will never forget. I got a chance to perform on stage which will help me to increase my confidence.” I would now like to attend other such activities as well.”
Nich Kapa of Boomi school said “I learned so many new things and I was made more aware about the my tradition and culture , Health and Hygyiene and yoga. I would like to thank Vkv Joram to provide this Opportunity. I learned how valuable is our tradition and culture and it’s really a great experience to participate in this camp. It was a chance for me to meet new friends and to understand the working of vkvs.
Km. Joram Mania of Boomi School said that they got an opportunity to be the part of this ‘Sadgamaya Shibir’ and learned so many valuable knowledge like Personality Development, Health and Hygiene, and yoga varga. And she said that such activities have never been held in their school. They wish to attend such camp in near future. She extended her gratitude to the VKV family for enlightened with valuable knowledge.