Participated In Indian Science Congress - VKV Joram
Rashtriya Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan (Children’s Science Congress-2019) is an important part of Indian Science Congress (ISC). Since its inception, it has proved to be a unique event with a very clear focus on raising the bar of research and innovation in science in our country. The target group of 10-17 years of children make it more relevant as they will carry forward the spark of taking innovation and research in science to a next level. The main objective of the Rashtriya Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan (Children’s Science Congress - 2019) is to provide a platform to the budding scientists to showcase their research work and projects being developed by them. It also motivates the young and talented children to work in the field of science and technology and make a successful career in the same along-with contributing in solving the problems of our nation. Rashtriya Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan (Children’s Science Congress-2019) encourages a sense of discovery among the students as it gives courage to the participants to raise a question on different aspects of the progress.
Rashtriya Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan - 2020 was held at University of Agricultural Science,Bengaluru Karnataka during the 107th Session of Indian Science Congress on 3-7th January 2020. On 3rd January 2020, Shri Narendra Modi Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Inaugurated the program in the august presence of Shri B.S. Yediyurappa Hon’ble Chief Minister , Govt. of Karnataka .Co-member of the 1st and 2nd position of project selected at State level NCSC-2019, got the opportunity to participate in the 107th Rashtriya Kishore Vaigyanik Sammelan - 2020 . Km. Sorang Tutu of VKV JORAM and Kr. Rijamso Karap of VKV AMLIANG along with Escort Smt. Dugra Tripathi of VKV Joram represented Arunachal Pradesh and Presented their projects in Indian Science Congress . The event consisted of invited talks by renowned scientists and various competitions such as science exhibitions, scientific quizzes which were further enhanced the intellect of the students. Workshops were also conducted to give the students hands on experience. The projects finalized by DST was showcased and students had the opportunity to listen and interact with the Young Scientists and Nobel Laureates.