Sweeter than honey, tastier than curd, pleasanter indeed than any happiness and joy is the company, is the power of the name of  Krishna. Janmashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful and famous re-incarnations of Lord Vishnu. According to the Hindu calendar, this festival is celebrated on the Ashtami of Krishna Paksh or the 8th day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadon. This day indicated the beginning of hope in the older times; hope, that the malicious rule of Kansa would soon end.

On Saturday, 24 of August 2019, Vivekananda Kendra celebrated Janmashtami in a graceful manner. The programme was started at 9.30 am by lightning of lamp by principal. Su Phurpa Lhamu hosted the program and   Smt. Durga Tripathi explained the significance of the day.

All children came in their traditional dresses. Some boys came dressed as ‘Krishna’ and some girls came dressed as ‘Radha’. Beautiful decorations were put up to make this event more cheerful and colorful. A fancy dress competition for primary classes was also held where the girls were decked up as Radha and the boys as Sri Krishna.

This was followed by a couple of bhajans on Sri Krishna and house wise dance competition. Sri Ashok Singh sir and Sri Samiran Barua were the judges. The students were judged on the basis of their make-up, expressions as well as level of confidence. A splendidly colorful program was organized by the children and staff of the school, where all the teaching and non teaching staff, all students, some parents, private hostel owners and wardens were attainted the program. Lastly the program was concluded with shanty mantra and Prashad distribution.



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