VKV Nirjuli brimmed with many insightful activities on the inaugural day of the Samarth Bharat Parva (SBP). The SBP is celebrated every year from 25 Dec to 12 Jan in all branch centres and Vidyalayas of Vivekananda Kendra.
The inauguration programme started at 7:00 am today after Pratasmaran. The Swadesh Mantra, Vande Mataram and Bharat Mata Arati were the main attractions. All these three were led by our hostellers and followed by all others. Total attendance was 67. (Staff =31, students =35, Elders =1)
During the day, a meeting for all Sankul Pramukhs was organized to take the current status of the plans chalked out for the celebration of Swami Vivekananda Jayanti. Sri JB Jadhav coordinated the meeting and updated all the residential teachers about the finalized plans. He said a total of 13 venues have been designated for the celebration so far. Total Attendance was 29.
Sri Sajith KK coordinated a special Swadhyaya (Online mode) based on the letter of Man. Nivedita Didi, titled ‘Samartha BharaParva Swami Vivekananda Jayanti.’ He read out half of the letter and initiated the discussion. Some of the key points discussed were:
1. Stressing the common principles of Hindu Dharma and also its different expressions in various communities is the integral approach.
2. Each nation has a message to deliver, a destiny to fulfil, a mission to accomplish.
3. Our role as gurus in moulding our students towards inclusive Sanatan tradition.
4. All those who with their exclusive approach are opposed to this vision of Oneness, become obstacles in the path of the mission.
5. Thus only a strong and successful country does not makes India Samartha - capable to fulfil her mission.
6. Plans to be chalked out for the celebration of SBP 2024 – 25.
The online swadhyaya started at 3: 00 pm and concluded at 4: 10 pm. Total Staff attendance was 37.
Finally, in the evening, the first-day celebration culminated with Swadesh Mantra, Vande Mataram, Bharat Mata Arati, Meditation and Speech by the Principal, Sri K Jaishankar on the importance of the day. Secretary, VKVsAPT, Su. Sujatha Didi and Joint Secretary, Man. Rupeshji graced the occasion besides Eos Reena Didi and SC Dixit Sir. Prasadam was distributed after the program at 6:30 pm. Total attendance was 86. (Staff = 33, students = 35, Elders = 04, family members = 13, VKCTE staff = 1)
Key Observations:
* The day began with spiritual activities, emphasizing the importance of national pride and cultural values.
* The Sankul meeting focused on practical planning for upcoming events, highlighting a proactive approach to community engagement.
* The Swadhyay session on Maa. Nivedita Didi's letter provided an opportunity for intellectual and spiritual discourse.
* The evening program included a blend of spiritual practices, address from Principal sir, and Prasad distribution.