International Day of Yoga was celebrated in VKV Nirjuli and the students and staff with their families participated in the programme from 6:30 am to 8:30am. Fifteen (15) members residing at the campus attended the Yoga programme organized in the conference hall with Arunjyoti from 7am to 8am. The students practiced Yoga with their families as per the direction given from the school. Three hundred seventy five(375) videos of the students performing Yoga were received. The report of 853 student’s family members performing Yoga to commemorate the International celebration was collected by the class teachers and the best videos were sent to the Vacation In Charge. Twenty three (23) teachers also attended the online Yoga session conducted by VKAJ Itanagar Prant with their families and performed Yoga at home. Forty three (43) volunteers of NSS VKV Nirjuli Unit participated in the Virtual Yoga (Surya Namaskar) competition organized by the Directorate of Sports, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs