Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Nirjuli celebrated Universal Brotherhood on 11th of September 2020 commemorating historic and epoch-making speech by Swami Vivekananda in the world’s parliament of religion in Chicago in USA on 11th of September 1893. The day was celebrated amidst the prevailing pandemic situation, following the SOP’s as set by the Govt.
The programe was attended by a host of dignified personalize which includes Sri. KomkarDolum,DC, Capital Complex, Sri. Jimmy Chiram, SP, Papum Pare, Sri. TanaHali, Hon’ble. MLA ,Doimukh Constituency, Sri. PaiDawe, SahaPrantPramukh Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant, Dr. JoramBegi, Chief Information Commision, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, PrantSanchalakVifekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant, Sri. TejumPadu, PrantPramukh, Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant, Karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra Arunjyoti and few selected parents and students.
The Magnificence of the celebration was enhanced by a host of cultural programmes performed by selected students which include Swamiji’s Chicago Address, Vande Mataram group dance, interpretation of Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts, solo dance, patriotic song by the Lady teachers of VKV Nirjuli, Speech on “Western Disciples” and Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial by students.
In his welcome speech, Dr. Tejum Paduji explicitly highlighted the glorious 50 years of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the significance of celebrating Universal brotherhood day.
Su.Priyanka Didi, Prakalp Sangathak Vivekananda Kendra Arunjyoti precisely highlighted the journey of Vivekananda Kendra since its inception and the expansion of its various noble activities in different parts of the country.
Talking about Vivekananda Kendra as spiritually oriented service mission, Dr. Joram Begiji said that Swami Vivekananda’s revitalizing Chicago address emphasized the harmony of religious enlightening, the glory of India to the world.
Sri.Pai Dawe, Saha Prant Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra Arunachal Prant exhorted that preserving and promoting our own culture is essential, but at the same time , it is also needed to discard the concept of Supremacy of our religion over the others.
Sri. Jimmy Chiram, SP ,Papum Pare, focused on the need of practicing “tolerance” and “Universal Acceptance” to avert any communal and religious conflicts in the society.
Sri. Komkar Dolum, DC, Capital complex urged everybody to practice Universal Brotherhood through compassion and understanding.
Sri.Tana Hali, Hon’ble MLA ,Doimukh speaking as the chief guest on the occasion advocated that to live happily in the society we must establish peace by rejecting the parochial individual difference. He added that Swamiji’s two powerful words “Sisters” and “brothers” in the world parliament of religion established the concept of Universal brotherhood as a global idea.