International Yoga Day 2022- VKV Nivedita Vihar
VKV Nivedita Vihar & VKTC Seijosa celebrated International Yoga Day on 21-06-2022 with great enthusiasm . The programme was started with three OM kara and Sahana Vavatu .We had put session of Yoga. The first session was started from 6:00 AM. The speech on the importance of the day was delivered by Kum. Rinu Nilling of class 10 The children were divided into two groups class VII to X & Class IV to VI. The next group started their yoga session from 7:00 AM which ended at 7:45 AM after the Yoga session ended the children ask the Yoga Sankalpa .There were 215 participants in the morning yoga session including teaching staff, non teaching staff and family members.
We had participates from neighborhood three schools, Niti Darlong, Darlong and Sun Valley school . There were 65 participants from all other the schools. Our Dayscholars students also joined them. The Yoga session were taken by Su. Nidhi Gupta. All the students took Sakalpa after the Yoga session.