A Report on Universal Brotherhood Day celebration

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (VKV), Yingkiong on 11th September,Thursday celebrated the Universal Brotherhood Day which marks the commemoration of Swami Vivekananda's famous speech delivered on September 11, 1893 in Chicago to the delegates of the World Parliament of Religions. The speech is popularly remembered for its opening words "Sisters and Brothers of America", which depicts the great Vedantic strength of India.

He discarded the idea of religious supremacy and propagated a message of not only mutual tolerance but also religious acceptance, while critically defining both and differentiating between the two as well. The programme was graced by noted doctor and Arun joyti Karyakarta Shri. Nabho boring and Smt. Gebi Mitkong Jamoh as Chief Guest.

Programme was started by chanting three Om Karas and Om-Sahanabhatu, which was followed by lighting the lamp.Then welcome address by Principal VKV Yingkiong Shri. Sumithran K.

He highlighted the need for universal brotherhood in present day global scenario. Citing the famous speech of Swami Vivekananda at The World Parliament of Religions 127 years ago, impressed upon the need for looking at Universal brotherhood from a holistic perspective including the poor and vulnerable sections of the society instead of limiting it only to religion and communities. Throwing light on the relevance and usefulness of Swamiji’s speech and values in the present-day context, he underscored the need for universal brotherhood to maintain peace and all-round development of human race irrespective of their religion. He also mentioned that, this is the 50th year of glorious Vivekananda Rock Memorial and for which Sampark programme was started earlier and as soon as we get necessary approval, we will start the celebration for that.

After that Shri. Sujit Dey, teacher of VKV Yingkiong elongated on the objectives of celebrating Universal Brotherhood Day and involving the youth in various nation building activities. He also elegantly stressed on the messages of Swami Vivekananda about Universal acceptance and religious tolerance, while critically defining and differentiating between them as well. On the idea of tolerance, he explained that it is the act of putting up with something that one disapproves of, while acceptance he said was admitting that even the seed of an idea can take root and produce an offshoot that was completely different and unique from

the original ideology. He made the concept of tolerance and acceptance towards other religions more comprehensive and real.

Winners of Chicago address competition were declared by Sri. Sumithran K in the presence of all.

After that a Patriotic song (Bhubana Mandale..) was presented by all and this was followed by Hindi deliberation by Shri. Narendra Kumar sir, teacher of VKV Yingkiong on the topic of the importance of celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day in modern day scenario by quoting the important words of Swami Vivekananda.He emphasised the importance of taking up one idea and making it as our goal. On the way of achieving this goal at first we face criticism, then comes the phase of making fun and at the last the universal truth, I.e. acceptance.

Dr. Naboh Borangji, highlighted the importance of Man Making- Nation Building by saying that one should bear the responsibility of the work he or she has done. Shri. Narendra Kumar sir, teacher of VKV Yingkiong delivered the Vote of Thanks. Programme was concluded with Shanti Mantra.

“Be proud that thou art an Indian and proudly proclaim, I am an Indian, every Indian is my brother.”- Swami Vivekananda.




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