VKV TEZU observes the World environment day like every year on 5th June and 6th June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action so as to protect the nature and the planet earth. Students of all classes participated and observed world environment day enthusiastically. Students cleaned the school campus and planted saplings around the campus. A lot of enthusiasm was seen in the students. The event was conducted successfully with whole hearted participation and awareness about the importance of the day in the School Assembly by the Principal. Students along with their family members shared their pictures with saplings with the class groups. A competition was conducted for all the classes on the following themes. Class I-III: Draw one or more trees and colour it, Class IV-V: Making a drawing on the theme-“Where there are trees, there are lives”, Class VI-VIII: To make a drawing on the theme: “Cleanliness bring happiness’’, Class IX-X: To make a drawing on the theme: “Living in harmony with nature’’. Students participated in all the activities and the best among them were rewarded.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs