VKV TEZU conducted Sadgamaya Shibir on 14th & 15th October 2019 for the students of Class VI-VIII to unfold and enrich their personality. There were 47 participants: 24 students from Amik Matai Vidya Mandir, Tezu and 23 students from VKV Tezu who attended in these two days Shibir. These two days camp is full of fruitful activities and sessions. Shibir was inaugurated by Resource guest Sri Kruleso Ngadong, statistical officer of Tezu, Vibhag Pramukh of VK Arun Jyoti, Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh. He spoke on the topic “Vivekananda Kendra activities and purpose”, in which he gave a brief introduction to rock memorial and also about the activities carried by VKVs, Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, VKV Alumni etc. He also advised the students to obey their elders, manage time properly and so on.

Second session is about “Health, Hygiene and Cleanliness”, taken by our resource guest Dr. Sogi Muri, Assistant Surgeon, District Zonal Hospital, Tezu. In this session he gave some simple tips to maintain personal and social hygiene. The 3rd session was about “Child Development”, in which our resource speaker was Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Principal of Denning College of Teacher Education. He gave some tips to grasp more in classroom teaching. Moreover he also spoke on the importance of “Omkar” in our life.

Fourth session was taken by Principal VKV TEZU Sri Suresh Kr Behera. He spoke on the topic of “Swami Vivekananda”. In which gave a detail description of Swamiji’s life and his massage to the youth of our country.

Many activities were also conducted in this Shibir-

  1. Group Discussion by students on the topic of sessions, each student from four groups presented what they learnt from those sessions.
  2. Library activities, in which students are learnt some rules of library like how to maintain silence etc. After that students are told to present book review. Two students from each group presented.
  3. Vedic maths, in which participants were taught how to solve problems like subtraction of mixed fraction, square of two digit number and cube of two digit number in shortest time.
  4. Krida session in which two of our Arun Jyoti sisters taught some game like Chandan, Kho-Kho etc.
  5. Craft session in which paper craft and how to use “circle” in making different design are practised by participants.
  6. Participants were also thought some GMAT trick like counting of figures, Analogy, Alphabet series, figure series and number series.

Finally Shibir was ended with Valedictory function in which our participants shared their experience and Sri P.K. Pandey, Cluster In Charge blessed our participants.



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