Universal Brotherhood Day Celebrated - VKV Tafrogam
On 11/9/2019, a colorful and memorable Brotherhood day was organized in our school. Universal Brotherhood Day is observed on September 11 every year. It marks the commemoration of Swami Vivekananda’s famous speech delivered on September 11 1893 in Chicago to the delegates of the World Parliament of Religions. The speech is popularly remembered for its opening words – ‘Sisters and brothers of America.’
Event was upto noon and was held in the prayer hall of our school. In this mega event, 750 parents partook.
The grand show commenced by the arrival of parents. Then the Chief Guest, the Deputy Commisoner of Lower Dibang Valley , Smt.Mitali Namchoom who was former student of VKV Tafrogam . There was a colourful welcome with bouquet made by students, followed by lighting of the lamp. It was accompanied by a melodious mangala charan, It was followed by a welcome speech and school report given by the Principal of VKV Tafrogam. Felicitation of chief guest had been done by Shri pradeep kr. Pandey ,cluster - in charge. Km. Lisika Thalai of class VIII retold the chicacho address. Significance of the day voice overed by Shri Ashok Atale, from VK Arun jyoti . Prize distribution ceremony was held to felicitate the students who achieved in curricular, co - curricular and extra curricular activites Then there was memento presentation to the invited guest, aspiring speech was given by chief guest and the grand event began. It was a truly mesmerizing show as the teams from all the classes presented many programmes . There was welcome dance, action song, Mismi and Adi dances, Sanskrit patriotic song, Hindi story telling and potraying scences from swamiji's life. Everyone sat glued to the show. The Chief Guest praised the entire event a lot. She guided with her inspirational words and inspired to do better; she mentioned that VKV was the building blocks of her life and she also quoted, where ever she was, discipline she learnt from VKV lead her path. It was followed by aformal vote of thanks. It was followed by santhi mantra and the event concluded.
We really enjoyed a lot and dispersed with a sincere hope that such mega events should be organized on time and again giving the students a chance to display their talents.