Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Sunpura organized Amrit Parivar Milan Samaroh on the occasion of Gita Jayanti . The agenda of the programme was to make the people aware of the need of unity, love,  togetherness and maintaining a happy and conducive environment at home.

The programme started at around 2.30 pm. At first, the registration of the parents were done and they were heartily welcomed by everyone in a ritualistic way. Then, after the arrival of the honourable chief guest they were felicitated. The lighting of the lamp was done by honourable chief guest along with the Principal of the school. The students chanted the prayer while lighting the lamp. Then, the agenda and events of the programme were read out in front of everyone. The Principal of the school welcomed everyone with a thoughtful speech. Then,  a patritic song was sung by the students. All the parents that were present in the programme were given the opportunity to introduce themselves and say a few words. Then , the speech regarding the significance of the day was given in which it was spoken about the importance of family and the ways we should adopt to maintain a healthy atmosphere at home for the well-being of the family and mostly the children. After the speech was over, the families were made to play some  games together. Some refreshments were provided to all after the games. Children were also provided the opportunity to speak about the happy events that they like in their family. Then, a speech was given by the honourable chief guest to address the gathering. By the end of the programme, all of them took the vow of maintaining Amrit Parivar in order to live a happy and peaceful life. Lastly,  the programme ended with a vote of thanks and shanti mantra.




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