1. All the hostellers and day scholars were participated in this programme.
  2. It was conducted on the internal road of school campus near Shiva temple.
  3. Programme was started with prayer that is Sahana vavathu (Aikya Mantra).
  4. Total participants were 300 including day scholar students as well as staff.
  5. After Aikya Mantra 5 standing posture yogasanans has been demonstrated.
  6. Standing posture yogasanas were followed sitting posture yogasana thereafter pranayama.
  7. In standing posture yogasana we have been practiced Tadasana, Vrikshasana, ardhakati chakrasana, Trikonasana and Padahastasana.
  8. In sitting posture we have practiced Vajrasana , Vakrasana, Shasankasana, Ushtrasana , etc.
  9. In Pranayama we have demonstrated Bhramari and anulom vilom .
  10. Before beginning of asanas we have just observed loosening exercises.
  11. The ending of this programme was finished with shanti mantra.
  12. During demonstration some important benefits of asanas and pranayama has been explained to the participants.

We have been planned to start regular Yoga Varga in nearby Government school.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs