In these golden days I learned lots of things. I never thought that I will get a chance to experience this kind of excitement in my life. It was a life time experience for me. I was made aware of Chandrayaan Online quiz by our principal sir and made me to participate. I played the online quiz but I never thought that I will get selected among the top two  from my state. On 28th August I came to know that I was one among the top two winners from Arunachal Pradesh of the space quiz. My happiness had no limit. I started dreaming of visit towinners ISRO Banglore to witness the landing of Vikram lander and that too with our Honourable Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modi-The people’s Leader. I prepared for my journey by reading more about ISO and Indian Space Mission programmes.

I reached ISRO Banglore along with my Inspiring Mother. All total there were 76 participant winners from all over the country. Hundreds of big cities, lakhs of School all over India, and I from a small village of Arunachal Pradesh…Oyan… got the opportunity to participate in one of best life time historic event. My heartful thanks to the organization of Vivekananda Kendra with Vission of Swami Vivekananda and the mission of Mananyee Eknathji for establishing VKV’s in Arunachal and providing us with real education of life. At 9.00 pm we were taken to ISRO’s Technical Room. I was astonished to more than 100’s of scientist working for the success of the mission.Each and every one focused in their work. I wanted to interact with one or two of them but disappointed as they were so busy. Better luck for me the next time. I got a chance to meet with the Chairman of ISRO, Dr. K. Sivan, the architect of Chandrayaan 2 Mission.

The real event started at 1.38 am of 7th September 2019. Every on einside the hall were so excited and nervous too. I was feeling so happy to watch the live telecast of the event along with Honourable Prime minister Sri. Narendra Modi and dedicated scientists of our nation.At this moment I felt so thankful to our principal sir, my school teachers, the Vivekananda Kendra Organization and ISRO for whom I got this opportunity. These things only happen when all factors work together for a desired goal.

After few minutes, unfortunately some thing went wrong and ISRO lost its connection the Vikram Lander when it was just 2.1 km away from the Lunar Surface. The Scientists along with Dr. K.Sivan were upset but the Leader- Sri Narendra Modi ji boosted them up and congratulated for their hard effort and almost for the successful mission.

After the conclusion of the programme Honourable prime minister meets and interacted with us. He conveyed a beautiful message to all of us. He stated that “ No matter you all belong from different states of this country but you all should stay together like brothers and sisters because you all belong to this great holy land-Bharat.

I never thought of witnessing such beautiful moments. I take this opportunity as a life changing moment for me. I learned lots of new things. I learned on what I should focus. I learned how our scientists and leaders work for the glory of this nation. I learned that along with study and work we must show the feeling of oneness and have the feeling to uplift my country’s name and fame. I must study hard…so that I can work hard….Earn respect and dignity…..and pay my homage to our motherland.

Once again I would like to extend my warm regards to ISRO and congratulate from their outstanding efforts. I also pay my regards to our principal sir and teaching staffs of VKV Oyan to motivate encourage and guide me because of which I achieved such kind of great thing.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs