Eknathji punya tithi, birthday of Mananeeya Eknathji was observed on 22nd August 2019. Kr. Sange Sarjo of Class X gave an outstanding speech on the life and message of Mananyee Eknath Ranade. Students of Class IV and V performed a patriotic song. Teachers and students of offered flowers on the photo of Swami Vivekananda. Smt. Suman Das was the incharge of the programme.

Rank Holders of 1st Periodic Test

The following students were the rank holders of the 1st periodic test of the school.


Sl.No Class 1st Rank % 2nd Rank % 3rd Rank %
1 Class I Najitora Doley 100% Angun Kapong Dai 95% Tutul Doley 90%
2 Class II Bamni Perna 92% Gerena Saroh 91% Agam Pegu 90%
3 Class III Divya Kumari 92% Niton Kadu 91% Ester Pait 89%
4 Class IV Lajond Borang 96% Geyin Modi 93% Mingken Tamut 89%
5 Class V Baby Doley 88% Pema Dorjee 84% Doni Kaki 82%
6 Class VI Dikong Borang 92% Chinmoy Kumar 92% Katon Perme 86%
7 Class VII Jarmom Lombi 88% Ranveer Doley 87% Delong Tatak Nyodak Taipodia 81%
8 Class VIII Dolly Borang 96% Alek Talom 94% Jigme Dorjee Onge 86%
9 Class IX Bomgam Pertin 92% Midum Megu 86% Oge Perme 75%
10 Class X 1. Angelyn Lego 2. Musunam Gamno 3.Nanne Pazing 92% Lilly Siram 90% Lukjum Potum 89%



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs