Chief Guest : Jumbom Riba (assistant director-skill development.Govt.AP)

1)He recalled his student life in VKV.whatever he is today is just because of VKV 

2)He said to the students that they are very lucky for studying in VKV.

3)Swamiji's quotations are still applicable for today's generation and it will be practicable for upcoming generations also.

4)He cited the line from the speech of Swamiji that one should not think about his own religion only as superior bur consider all religions are equal and should be tolerable for all.

5) VKV's are doing an unparalleled work in Arunachal Pradesh.

6)When one person is influenced by Swamiji ,he can lead the next generation like Man.Eknathji.As a result we all are here today.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs