VKV PTC Banderdewa organized 2 days Sadgamaya Shibir on 26th and 27th of October 2018. Total no. of Schools participated is 04 and total participants are 49.  Sri. Surendra Choudhury IPS, Principal PTC Banderdewa, Sri. S.C Dixit cluster Incharge Papumpare, Principal VKV Nirjuli honored the Shibir as Chief Guest. Sri. Giri Tali MO PHC PTC Banderdewa and Su. Sudipta Roy Didi Nagar Sangathak Papumpare Vivekananda Kendra Arun Jyoti has been invited as Resource Persons.

Different Session were held:

  1. ”Health and Hygiene.” By Dr.Giri Tali
  2. “Vivekananda Kendra and Eknathji Ranade” By Su. Sudipta Roy Didi
  3. “Pariksha de Haste Haste” By Smt. Anukriti Singh
  4. “Fun with Science” By Sri. Prasanta Neog & Su. Munny Choudhury
  5.  “Geet Abhyasa” By Sri. M adhurjya Saikia & Smt. Jaya Diyum Deb
  6. “AM I Smart” By Sri. P.Rajan, Principal VKV PTC Banderdewa
  7. “Fun with Mathematics” By Sri. Deepjyoti Baruah & Smt. Shiny B. Raghu
  8. “Shibir Geet” By Sri. Govind Vishwakarma
  9. “Incredible India and Motivational videos By Smt. Jaya Diyum Deb & Sri. Anil Tamang
  10. “Games and Sports” By Sri. Govind Vishwakarma & Sri. M. Saikia.

Shibir was full of knowledge and enjoyment and it was attended by Sri. Nilakantha Gogoi, Principal of Sandipani Academy Harmoti and VKV PTC Banderdewa staff including the participants.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs