Our School Celebrated Krishna Janmashtami with great fervour on 12th August 2020 at school Premises. The Programme was started sharply at 5.00 P.m. with Ekaya mantra followed by three Omkaras. Thereafter, Principal Sir lighted the lamp. Welcome address was given by Mangesh Bhurse. The Significance of the day was highlighted by Rintu Deb. Afterwards, Puja performed by Kailash Tiadi sir followed by Bhajan and Aarti. Then Lakhi Nath Handique principal VKV Kimi briefed about the characters of Sri Krishna. Our few Students then performed two group dances. After that Prasad distribution session was held. Finally, the programme was ended with Shanti Mantra.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs