VKV Kimi observed the 119th dead anniversary of spiritual leader Swami Vivekananda. The world renowned leader breathed his last on July 4,1902, at Belur math in West Bengal. Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya ( NEEPCO),KIMI observed Maha samadhi with discipline and exuberant enthusiasm, all the staffs gather in the school to observed Maha samadhi day.
The program begin with three Omkara followed by the lighting of the lamp by school principal Shri Samiran Barua. The importance of the day was highlighted by Shri Manish Kumar he told about the importance of Maha samadhi and how swamji had taken Maha samadhi on 4th July. Tribute was paid to Swami Ji by offering “Pushpanjali”.The vote of thanks was delivered by Principal, VKV Kimi. A total no 10 staffs were present in the programme. The programme was concluded with Shantimantra.