Global Gandhi Solar Yatra Programme Organized - VKV Koloriang
VKV Koloriang has conducted the GGSY program ( Gandhi Global Solar Yatra) on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October 2019 to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of nation - Mahatma Gandhi, at the School Premises in a befitting manner.
Experience of the participating students: Since the announcement about the Solar Kit under GGSY program in the morning assembly in the month of July 2019, students were very excited to see and experience the making of solar lamp. In his speech, Kr. Bengia Aru, student of Class VIII narrated his experience and told that it was a firsthand experience on making any such product which he could only see in the market in readymade condition, but after assembling the products and getting success to prepare in a working condition was an unforgettable experience. Another student Km. Bengia Yayer, Class VIII also shared her experience in the presence of Deputy Commissioner, Kurungkumey and parents in which she told that it is a good awareness program about harnessing solar energy and its importance. She told that the stock of coal, petroleum is limited and appealed all other students to switch on to non-conventional source in the near future. All the students actively participated and became successful. They extended their gratitude to the Vidyalaya for giving them such opportunities to explore their hidden talents.
Experience of the teachers: Helping the students and giving them training in making the solar lamp was wonderful experience. This kind of program definitely helps students not only to create awareness for harnessing solar energy but also to develop psycho-motor domain of the students. It is also observed that the student’s attachments towards their school and studies strengthened. At the same time, all the parents of the participating students were also present on the occasion and seen their wards making solar lamp by assembling the products. They also expressed their happiness to see their wards involving in such a creative activity. Students also got such a wonderful thing in a very minimal registration fee.