Bhagwad Gita chanting competition Karmayoga Shlokasangrah was held on 28/10/2019 (Monday) at 11:30 AM to 02:00 PM. The competition was started with Aikaya Mantra. Group ‘B’ and group ‘C’ have participated in this competition, in each group boys and girls have participated separately. There were 3 groups in which 15 students have participated in group ‘B’ and 21 groups in which 81 students have participated in group ‘C’ altogether there were 24 groups and 96 students who have participated. The competition was judged by Shri Ashish Kumar Sir and Shri Bahubali Sir.

The students who have participated in this competition firstly have introduced themselves and sang Karmayoga Shlokasangrah 28 Shloka with tune and some of the students have explained the meanings too.

In group B boys Sorang Jakru and group have bagged 1st position and group B girls Aradhya Srivastava and group have bagged 1st position.

In group C boys- Amit Paswan, Bamang Aying, Licha Lomin, Likha Tolu and in group C girls- Nich Rina, Likha Ania, Taw Yajo, Joram Adam have bagged 1st position in this competition. In group C boys- Charu Araman, Likha Bida, Joram Tatam, Sumit Paswan, Biri Tath and group C girls- Pani Yache, Debia Menam, Joram Yaniyum and Bamang Nancy have bagged 2nd position in this competition.

After the completion of the competition, judges have explained how to introduce, how they can improve and sing in a better way and how to memorise the Shloka to all the participants.

The competition was ended with Shanti mantra.




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