On account of International Yoga Day the members of shree shree Ravi Sankar and ITBP (Indian Tibetan Border) invited our school childrens at Town Hall, Basar and ITBP general ground for observing International Yoga Day at 6:00 am, we have divided the class Shri. Gyanendra Bhandari  Su. Kenny Hokom and Smti. Hasna Bora, along with class VII students (29 students present) programme.  

At Town Hall Basar, our Principal Sir, Su. Yabi Yomgam and Su. Karisma Sharma took the childrens of class VI and VIII (35 Students) for Yoga programme which was conducted by Shree Shree Ravi Sankar’s team

After that our school also conducted Yoga Programme in Govt. Secondary School. Nyobom. Our Principal Sir, Su. Namita Gantayak, Smti. Nirmala Pradhan and Sri Gyanendra Bandari with Five selected Students of class VIII along with 95 students and 10 teaching staff of Govt. Sec. School, Nyobom participated.

In our school after second period we started Yoga. Su. Kenny Hokom and Sri Gyanendra Bandari took the Yoga class to class III to V students there were 65 Students present.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs