The school level inspire science exhibition program has been conducted on 15th July 2019 atprojector hall during school hours.

  1. Total No. of participants were 204 from class vi to x . All together 34 models were displayed.
  2. Three judges were appointed for this program their names are enlisted as below:-
  3. Sri Dhrubraj Maity (Teacher Biology)
  4. Sri Anjan Purkyastha(Teacher English)
  5. Sri Pintu Debnath(Teacher IT)

> The following best three models were selected which has given as:-
Tenzin Tsomu –Class X ---- First Position

> Model --- Refractive Index.
Sonam Lhamu --- (Class-Vi) ----Secound Position

> Cleanliness of Water.
Mibi Mosu (Class Viii) ----- Third Position.

>Global Warming.

Program in charge :Sri D.K Sharma



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs