Swami Purshottam Ji, Sri. Rupesh Mathur as well as some of our Alumni visited the premises of VKV, Ziro on 31st May, 2019 in the evening at 5.40 PM. They have all attended the “Bhajan Sandhya”. The Principal of VKV, Ziro welcomed the guests and gave a formal introduction. Thereafter Swami Ji and Rupesh Ji offered blessing to the students whose birthdays fallen on the month of May with chanting of “Swasthashu Mantra”.
After that Swamiji interacted with the students. He was very elated by the discipline of the students mentioning the alignment of their slippers outside, their entry in to prayer hall, their sitting, their involvement in chanting, etc. He appealed all the students to learn about the Swamiji’s power of concentration, focus, His curious nature and determination. He displayed fun based activities to express happiness using hands, which students liked very much. He said at times that
- We should praise ourselves
- Be busy and engaged
- Aware of the duties and responsibilities as a student
- Get rid of laziness
- Respect parents, teachers (Chanted “Matru Devo Bhava …”) and elders, etc.
He narrated some motivational stories which gave lot of information regarding career avenues. He praised teachers as the builders of the nation. He has also described the avid nature of a teacher. He said all the great personalities evolved only because of the tremendous hard work of the dedicated teachers.
He expressed that students are very lucky enough to be a part of organizations like VKVs. He said that VKV is a place where students are given quality education along with moral values, whereas other schools only give the informative education on how to cram and secure high marks. He cited teachers as “Ocean of Knowledge”, which enables students to stand on their own feet and later on becomes the pride of the nation. Teachers have the capability to transform the society with changing pace.
There was a Staff Meeting also arranged with them at 7.30 PM. Swami Prushottam Ji shared his experience of running schools in remote areas of Gujarat. He specified the power of motivation and knowledge. Sri. Prem Norbu Thongchi, Special Secretary, Arunachal State Assembly and Sri. Gamso Bellai, Advocate, the Proud Alumni of VKVs have also shared their experiences. There have also mentioned about the care given by their teachers during their school days.
Sri. Sanjay Pandhya Ji gave some motivational tips for teachers that we should develop affinity with the students and try to know their strengths and weaknesses and change our conventional teaching with our experience. The programme was intended to instill positive attitude, discipline and develop the creative and innovative potential of young minds.