Library Week is a programme organized every year from 19th to 26th of November in Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya. During Library Week different activities are chalked to inculcate reading habits amongst children of the Vidyalaya.This year Library Week was organised in Vidyalaya with the theme of “Books are for Use”. This is the First Law of Library Science given by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan who is regarded as Father of Library Science in India. The main objective of the selected theme was to create awareness of reading habit and use of different types of collections from the library.
The events conducted throughout the week are as under.
Day 1 (19/11/2018) Inaugural Day of Library Week
Time and Venue of the Programme: 10:30 A.M. at the Hall of School campus.
Chief Guest: Sri Santosh Yadav, Library-In-Charge, Indira Gandhi Technological And Medical Science University (IGTAMSU), Ziro.
Faculty Present: S.N.S. Yadav, Kalyan Kumar Dutta, Subham Sonar and Michi Ampi (Teacher Trainee)
Speaker of the Programme: Sri Santosh Yadav
Programme Host: Subham Sonar (Junior Librarian)
Significance of the Programme:
To create awareness about Library, its collections and Library Week.
To motivate students for exploring their creativity.
The inaugural programme was started by lighting the lamp followed by chanting of Mangalacharan in the hall of school. After that the welcome address regarding the programme was given by Sri S.N.S. Yadav Sir followed by felicitation of the Chief Guest Sri Santosh Yadav. After that the purpose of the programme was briefly elaborated by Sri Subham Sonar (Junior Librarian of VKV Ziro) through PowerPoint Presentation in which different aspects about the VKV Ziro, VKV Ziro School Library and regarding Library Week was briefly described. After the presentation book review was done by class 6th and 8th standard students. After that the Chief Guest Sri Santosh Yadav addresses the students with his speech in which he described about the different types of collections present in the library nowadays like e-books, e-journals etc. He also described about the importance of school library and how much it is beneficial for the students.
After the speech Chief Guest with faculty headed towards the library to see the book display and drawing exhibition. In Library books was displayed on the benches according to section-wise like science, mathematics, biography, reference etc. And on the wall different drawing was pasted for exhibition with the theme of drawing "Books are for use" and the students of the respective drawing was standing along there. The Chief Guest interacted with the students regarding their drawing and the students explained it in a very well mannered. After that photo session with chief guest and the drawing artist was done. And the Library was opened to the rest of the school students for book display and drawing exhibition.
Day 2 (20/11/2018) Kavita Paathan/ Poem Recitation Competition
Time and Venue of the Competition: 9:00 A.M. at their respective classes.
Class: I & II
Participants: 8 students
To increase fluency while reciting a poem.
For Poem Recitation Competiton all the students of both classes I & II were asked to recite their favourite poem. All the students have actively participated in the programme by reciting poems in Hindi and English language. The competition was coordinated by Sri Subham Sonar and Smt. Bullo Ampi. On the basis of their recitation top three students of both classes were selected.
Swaccha Lekhan/ Handwriting Competition
Time and Venue of the Competition: 9:00 A.M. at their respective classes.
Class: III - V
Participants: 87 students
To increase neat and clean writing skills.
Handwriting Competition was organized in the respective classes of III - V which was coordinated by Smt. Hage Yanga, Smt. Parbati Kumari and Smt. Rita Riba their respective class teachers. For competition students were provided by a short story photocopy with the sheets to write in a 40 minutes time period. All the students were compulsory to take participation in it and every one of them has actively participated also. On the basis of their neat and clean writing best handwriting students of each classes III - V were selected.
Day 3 (21/11/2018) Mann Ki Baat/ Story Writing Competition
Time and Venue of the Competition: 10:30 A.M. at the ground.
Class: III - V
Participants: 87 students
- To increase the creativity level of imagination amongst the students.
- To increase the writing skills of students.
For the competition every students of classes III-V were taken outside on the field. An area of beautiful environment was provided for them to write stories from their imagination. For writing the stories either Hindi/ English language was used. All the students with great joy wrote the stories. And if any problem regarding words or spelling occured while writing it then it was supervised by Sri Subham Sonar, Sri Rajendra S. Patil and Smt. Hage Monya. Every student enjoyed while writing the stories. According to their creativity level top student of each classes III - V were selected.
Time and Venue of the Competition: 12:30 P.M. at the Hall of School Campus.
Class: VI-IX
Participants: 44 students
- To increase their creativeness and understandability level.
- To increase the interest of reading habit amongst children.
For the competition participants was provided with one sheet of paper and book of different types. After that rules and regulations of the programme were described by the coordinator Sri Subham Sonar amongst the participants. 80 minutes timing was provided for the students for reading the chapters of the book and then to write the original name of the chapters or book. And according to their reading and understandability about the chapters to change the title of the chapters and then justify the reason for the newly given title. Every student actively participated in the programme. And
Day 4 (22/11/2018) Bhool Bhulaiyaa/ Book Hunt Competition
Time and Venue of the Competition: 10:30 A.M. at the Library.
Class: VI-X
Participants: 12 teams (60 students)
- To create awareness about proper placing of documents in their respective section.
- To create awareness about the collections present in the library.
- To increase their thinking ability and to know the importance of team effort.
This was the team event competition in which each team consists of 5 members. For the competition rules were described by Sri Subham Sonar before all the participants. For the competition four clues were there out of which three clues were hidden on the book and the first clue was provided to them directly. For each team 10 minutes timing was provided to find all the clues. The timing of team performance while finding each clues were recorded. All the team has actively participated during the hunt. The top three teams with less time taken to hunt all the clues were selected according to their timing.
Day 6 (24/11/2018) Library Awareness Act (Skits)
Time and Venue of the Competition: 1:00 P.M. at the School Assembly premises.
Class: VI-IX
Participants: 2 teams (12 students)
- To create awareness about library and its role in influencing reading habit amongst children.
- To create awareness about Library, Rules of the Library and proper functioning of it.
- To create awareness about the “Five Laws of Library Science” and its importance in library functioning.
- To build up team work enthusiasm amongst students.
For this programme to organize classes VI-X every student with their respective concerned class teachers were gathered in the corridor area of school premises. After that Sri Subham Sonar introduced both team members and gave a brief introduction regarding the objective of gathering i.e. Library Awareness Act drama to be performed with the theme of “Library and its role in influencing reading habit amongst children”. This was the team event drama in which each team consists of 6 members and two subordinates.
The first team with students of classes VIII & IX, performed the drama in which they show the act in four scenes. At first scene, they show “not to tear the pages in library and the consequences to be facedby fine allotment”. At second scene, they show “not to make noise in the library”. At third scene, they show “not to misplace the books in the library”. And at last scene, they show how to properly stay in library by “properly handling the books, maintaining silence in the library and properly placing the books in their respective sections”. And at last they ended their drama with a quote “Library is a temple, Books are Gods, Librarians are Priests and the Readers are the Worshippers”.
The second team with students of class VII performed the drama in which they show how a girl enhanced her reading skills after using library collections. In the drama they show how a girl was poor in reading when library was not there in the school. And in the second half of the drama they show how a girl enhanced her reading skills by using library collections. And in the drama last part they showhow the girl participates in book reading competition and her enhanced reading skills are shown.
After both of the dramas were completed, Sri Subham Sonar (Junior Librarian of VKV Ziro) concluded the programme by explaining the theme of the programme with the help of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Five Laws of Library Science in a detailed manner. He described all the laws with proper examples and its importance in proper functioning of library in day-to-day life in a detailed manner.
Day 8 (26/11/2018) Essay Writing Competition
Time and Venue of the Competition: 11:50 A.M. at the Library.
Class: VI-IX
Participants: 24 students
- To increase the writing skills of students.
- To enhance the observation skills of students.
First of all sheets were distributed amongst the participants. And after that the theme of the essay was given i.e. "Books are for Use", which was also the theme of this year Library Week. The theme and its specificity as First Law of Library Science were also described to participants. The word limit of 200 words with time limit 40 minutes was given for the competition. Every participant wrote the essay with great enthusiast and everyone came out with their way of observation in library and how different collections in library have its own importance. On the basis of their observation shown in the writings of essay top three students were selected.
Vivekananda Kendra’s core values of selfless service, patriotism, character-building, man-making and nation-building permeate the entire educational experience. In Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalayas the main motive is to enhance all round development i.e Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual & Spiritual development of the students through various activities. With the same objective every year Library Week is organized in Vidyalaya where different programmes are organized to create awareness about library and also for the all round development of the students specially regarding increase of reading habit amongst children. The Library Week was organized with this main motive to enhance all round development of the students. And after the competition was organized the programme was a fruitful one.