IYD Celebrated in our Vidyalaya. All the students and teachers
participated in this programme. Our 30 students participated IYD
programme at Hapoli with District Administration.
Samuhik Asanas conducted:
A.Standing Postures
- Tadasana
- Padahastaana
- Trikonasana
B.Sitting Postures:
- Vajrasana
- Bhadrasana
- Vakrasana
C.Prone Lying Postures
- Makarasana
- Bhujangasana
D.Supine Lying Postures
- Ardha Halasana
- Shavasana
E. Pranayaam- Two types of Pranayama - Sheetali and Bhramari
No. of Participants : 230 Male, 196 Female , Total: 426