A one-day workshop cum training on “Herbarium Technique was conducted on 5th June in collaboration with DBT-APSCS &T centre of Excellence for Bioresources and Sustainable Development ,Department of Science and Technology was conducted at Kamasiki, Kimin. A number of 20 selected students of classes 9 & 10 attended the program from our vidyalaya. The workshop was inaugurated by Shri.Likha Teji, ADC, Kimin. Shri.Joram Muthu,Officer on special duty, Director of Higher and technical education was the Resource Person. Dr.H.K.Dutta C.D, Director Remote Sensing APSCS&T was the chief guest of the program. A plantation drive by the guest and the students were followed.

A powerpoint Presentation on Herbarium preparation was taken by Ms.Lod Yama,Research Associate. After the presentation the students were taken to field visit. Following that the pressing of plants for herbarium was carried out by the scientists and students.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs