On the fine day of 16th February, we conducted our matrupuja in a befitting way by bringing 46 parents out of 35 students of class X. The programme was organized in a systematic way without disturbing classes II to IX. At 10 am parents were brought in the prayer hall by their wards after washing their legs. The emotional attachment was visible there itself. The song of Sri. Mangesh Bhurse on Mother made the entire people in the hall to recall their own mother and their devotion, hard work etc. The speech of sri. Raju Mishra on the importance of matrupuja made the parents to know more about Indian values and the need of its preservation for the entire humanity. The rituals were performed by Sri. Krishna Kumar Mishra with high spiritual sanctity .The offering of the flowers on the mother’s feet and touching the head of the children by parents made both of them to weep. We could witness an interrupted speech of the children and parents during the feedback time due to sudden emotions . The event was over by 1.00PM with santimantra